This portion of the site is for people helping others through the process of developing a plan and taking next steps.
Affirm confidentiality and hear their story with true empathy. Disconnect from the feeling of fear AND inadequacy, be present and fully engaged – you got this!
The power of confession leads us to wholeness -celebrate this moment as their first BIG step! Dispense HOPE and remind themthat God has set them free.
Invite the person to take action! Partner with the individual to move beyond the relief that comes from “getting this off their chest” into a lifestyle of healing and right choices.
Invite God into this area in their life. Here is a sample prayer:
“Jesus, I invite you to take over the dark places of Kevin’s heart. This stronghold is broken in the name of Jesus. Kevin, repeat after me. “Lord, forgive me forgiving myself over to sexual sin. I surrender my heart and my sexuality over to you. Give me the courage to take action and move forward in my freedom. I am whole – in the name of Jesus, AMEN
After praying, the ministry-leader says to parishioner: “Hey, you just killed step-one! Would you like to go to step #2, which is to develop a comeback strategy? It literally takes 5 minutes -C’mon, I’ll walk ya through it.”
If NO – it’s all good! Give them the website, your phone number, and ask them for permission to contact them in a few weeks.
If YES – take them to this webpage on their mobile device: